In this video I go over all the features I've added in 2022 to my desktop environment in the browser since my video last year. - Site: - Code: 0:00 Ultimate React/Passion Project 0:25 The 1st Year 1:15 Grid Draggable Desktop Icons 1:51 Drag Windows Offscreen 2:59 Dynamic Folder Icons 4:32 EXE Extracted Icons 5:27 7zip Extracting 6:17 Animated Video Icons 6:56 Save State/Snapshot Icons 7:37 Webamp Skin Remembered 8:00 Streaming Music Support 8:18 Milkdrop Visualization 8:33 Desktop Visualization Mode 9:00 Astronomy Picture of the Day Background 9:23 Coastal Landscape 9:34 Hexells 9:44 Matrix 2D & 3D 9:52 Vanta Waves 9:57 FFMpeg Audio/Video Conversion 11:05 ImageMagick Picture Conversion 11:25 Spreadsheet Conversion 11:49 Markdown Viewer 12:01 File Search 12:53 IRC Client 13:03 Libera.Chat - #linux 13:36 Emulators (Genesis, DS, NES, 2600, GBA, ...) 14:20 MS/JS Paint 14:53 PDF: Title, Download & Print 15:11 Minecraft / ClassiCube 15:26 Quake 3 Arena 16:13 DX-Ball 16:32 DOS Shareware Games 17:07 Sheep x 100!!! 17:30 Vim 17:56 Run Dialog 18:10 IPFS Protocol Support (Read Only) 18:48 Image Support (TIFF, QOI, CUR/ANI) 19:20 Thanks for Checking out my Video!